Finally, we can breathe a sigh of relief! We found a perfect place for the wedding and reception and have signed on the dotted lines for Sept 13. Now on to the photographer & the rest can wait until my daughter comes home in May. Wedding plans have consumed my time these last two weeks, so while it's been productive, there has been little stitching time.
If it weren't for Monday night stitching, I would have no stitching done this week. I finished Daisy-LHN (changed the colors around to fit my fabric) & started the fifth house for Cottage Garden, only to realize that I'd stitched the Rose border in the wrong color. And unfortunately, it matters, so I had to rip-it, rip-it, etc. You know the drill. Aargh! But, I have been pretty good with not buying any stash lately, other than the Always & Forever by LHN that my friend Deborah forced me to buy - LOL.
However, today is free & I plan to remedy the border situation or stitch on the Travel Sampler (that I haven't touched). Either way, I'm stitching!