Have you ever realized how much your life can change in one day? I'm sure many of you can relate - you receive good/bad news that affects your everyday life. While blissfully unaware of the turn your days are going to take, you march on.
My DH and I recently rented a travel motorcyle for a long ride. I wanted to see how loud this bike was compared to my husband's, so about 30 sec. before we got home, I carefully took out the earplugs. I do remember thinking - dang, this is loud. Two days later, I had tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears), which may or may not go away. Doc thinks it's trauma induced but regardless, thinks once tinnitus comes, it pretty much stays. Audiologist thinks it might go away within a month, and it's been a week.
Comparatively speaking, it's not bad; it's not as loud as some people have. I've only had it for a week and levels are intermittent. I cannot begin to imagine those that have dealt with this for years. I've read about them and just truly feel for them. The stress and depression that can follow tinnitus can be intimidating, even to someone that doesn't get depressed.
Then I feel guilty because of all of the people I know who have so much more than this to handle and I'm being such a wimp.
My mother is dealing with constant pain at the moment and no narcotics really work. In the last month she's deteriorated from hurting some, but driving, playing bridge, going to the library, etc. to being chair bound in her house; it's the only place she can get any relief -and now that doesn't work. She looks at me and says she has to keep on hoping and deal with it. They think it might be a sacral stress fracture (which she's had for about six weeks at least, but instead of improving any, she continues to worsen daily). We have a few options coming up later this week, of which we're hopeful. Please remember her in thought or prayer, if you could.
On the stitching front, I was on such a roll last week but haven't stitched much this week. That is changing; I picked up my Friendship Sampler RR last night and started on that one; felt like I could get my life back on track if I could get back to the things I love doing.
And on the more positive note, I have done much research in this past week and have found valid, sound advice to at least help the situation. I do believe in some alternative methods of medicine, though I'm cautious with them. Show me time and research to back the claims up, and I'm more inclined to believe. I've downloaded a couple of books that are very common sense and helps to get healthy. I serve a risen God, so anything is possible. :)
So, to anyone out there with your experiences, wisdom and otherwise general thoughts, I welcome your comments. :)
PS - forgive my whining...
BTW, just a word of caution to taking earplugs out - never, never remove them around a loud noise that otherwise wouldn't really have bothered you. It was the sudden transfer of complete quiet to loud noise and the ears just couldn't adjust fast enough that caused the trauma.
Bear with me with one more thing - on a funny note; my family has convinced me for years that I need help hearing, etc. I've always thought that I'd have some hearing loss, but didn't consider that tinnitus could happen as a result, too; I've listened to loud music everywhere for so long. Just had the tests done - my hearing is fine - a very slight damage to the left ear hair cells in the high frequency, which made it just a tad below, but really considered to be about normal for someone my age. So there! All these times they complained I couldn't hear them, they were the cuplprits that mumbled, spoke too fast, etc.
Yes, I do feel justified.....