My stitching has increased finally. I think the curse of the fifth house has been lifted. Our LNS had a class last weekend on a pretty geometric pattern in needlepoint. I was moving along well, when I realized that the two Watercolour threads I'd chosen (beautiful as each one is) do NOT go well together once stitched. Sooo, I ripped out the easiest one :) and started redoing in different colors. Much better. Hope to finish that one soon, too. My UFO's are really calling to me, as is half the stitching patterns out there. What's a girl to do? Simple - buy them all! (providing finances allow, of course....)
I'm in a group currently with an ongoing secret sister exchange. I was just sent the loveliest white evenweave fabric, booklet of patterns, and set of new colors of linen embroidery. Many thanks to my SS!
Happy stitching all.
I'm adding an addendum to this - the curse has not been lifted! I finished the fifth house - it looks adorable.....except for one thing. The Rose border is darker than the others and stands out.I'm thinking of redoing the border (for the umpteenth time, I might add) in the lighter rose color of the house. But I'll stitch the last house first, just to see. Anyone else have this problem with these charts?
On a sad note, just saw where Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman lost his youngest daughter in a tragic accident at home - heartfelt prayers go out to his family - may the peace of God be with them.