Aren't these adorable? - they're supposed to be airline friendly, so we'll see.
What a fun weekend! DH and I don't normally go all out for Valentine's Day; just a small item or card or so. But this weekend we decided to go out to eat at an Italian Restaurant that we save for more special occasions. On the way there, he gave me a card - but it wasn't a card. It was a gift certificate to my LNS for my excursion there Sat. for the market stash! I think I'll keep him LOL.
Needless to say, it made my trip to the LNS much more fun, and yes, I did buy more stash. However, I picked up designs that aren't BAP's and can be stitched rather quickly. The surprise item that I had no plans to get - well, once I saw it and had the certificate in my hot little hands - the rest is history! I can't wait to start on this one. It's so pretty.

Some of the other stash included the new Blackbird monthly stockings and of course, the new JBW designs. Love these.

On the stitching front, I thought I'd have Ebb Tide done, but still not quite. Had a snag on one of the threads and changed a thread or so. I'm still not happy with the royal blue color, so I may take that out and put in a little darker. But I should be done in the next day or so, hopefully. DD and DSIL may come over tonight, so I don't know if I'll have much time to stitch.

At the LNS, I saw Kathy's
Blue Bayou that is the companion piece. It is so pretty - I think I actually like that color scheme better, but the two should look well together. And since Kathy has been doing a ton of reorganization with her marvelous new cupboard, she decided to clean out and give away some items she doesn't plan on using. So, when she mentioned this lap frame she was giving away, I was thrilled! We had a great lunch, as always. :)

On the technology front, I had recently gotten the Blackberry Pearl, and the keypad drove me crazy. This weekend, I switched it out for the Curve. I hear good things about it, but I'm entering a new era in phones. The Pearl's keypad was soooo hard to get anywhere with, so I'm hoping this will be an improvement. Anyone else have one and have an opinion? Cuz if it's a pain, I'll take it back, too, and just stick with the regular kind of phone! But here's my new toy in the lovely shade of red that's as close as I could get to NC STATE! Almost looks like it could be a lethal weapon or something, doesn't it, but it's actually rather light.

You know, they say it's a dog's life, but I think I could deal with this myself. One of the things we always used to laugh about with Indiana was his completely covering the vents in the summertime. He stayed cool in the room while we smothered. This week had such beautiful weather we had to turn on the AC. I looked around a little while later and there was Montana. In case you can't see, the vent is underneath Montana.....Great minds think alike, I guess! :)

BTW, Indiana was about 70 pounds. The vet took one look at Montana at ten weeks old (18.6 #) and said nope, he's going to be about 80-90 pounds. We knew those paws were really big.....
As an addendum to this post, I've deleted the post about the domain name stealing, as the situation has been resolved and very nicely, too.
Nice haul! I'll be interested in hearing how you like a lap stand.
Great stash!!! Yes, I would say your hubby is a keeper! LOL
I just can not believe how big Montana is already getting!
Ebb Tide is fantastic, the royal is great don't think you need to change it. Where did you get the pattern??
Awwww, your Dh sounds like a real keeper! Who needs flowers that'll die when you can buy stash that'll last forever?! You got some great stuff, too. Love the pic of the pup! Ebb tide looks great.
Interesting update! Love the stash and the dog photo. I have been following Kathy's blog too!
Hi Carolyn
Your stash looks yummy. Montana is a BIG boy. My little furry girl is not even as big as Montana is at 10 weeks and my baby is about 11 years old. Montana certainly does have a dog's life and he is just adorable. Our vents come out of the ceiling so nothing can lay infront of them. (giggle giggle)
Woo hoo! Lots of stash and one wonderful DH! Love stitching. It looks great and I don't think you should change it.
Montana is really growing,but still looks cuddly!
I not much of a dog person, but I love puppies and yours is the cutest!!!!
wow, you had a great weekend!!! Those scissors are too cute! The lapstand looks interesting. ENjoy! And the stash......need I say more?!?!?!
You did buy some great stash and great progress on your stitching!
I have never heard about an airline friendly scissors. We will fly to Orlando this summer, it is about 8 hours flying from Belgium. I'm planning to do some stitching on the plane. I heard already from some people that I will need an airline friendly needle too! I hope I won't get any trouble if I bring a cross stitching kit on the plane!
What great stash....I see several things there that I will be looking for on my next trip to the LNS.
It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I love that LHN pattern adn got one too. :) I have to pick up fabric this Thursday and then I'll start mine.
I like the colors in ebbtide. But LOVE the photo of little Montana. :)
What a nice week-end! I'd love to get a LNS GC in my valentine card!!! Excellent choices. Enjoy your new stitching scissors & stash -- what fun.
PS I have a regular blackberry -- I like it a lot.
A friend of mine has a frame like your new acquisition. She seems to like it and I'll be interested in hearing how you like it. It certainly is an attractive frame!
Your DH is a true sweetheart and I'm glad to see your put that gift cert. to good use. :D
I have a lap stand but it doesn't look like yours. Indiana IS gonna be big but what a sweetie. I wanna cuddle him right through the screen!!!
great stash, those are on my list as well. what a great DH, definitely a keeper!
Let me know how you like using that type of lap frame, i have been looking at those ones but afraid to take the plunge yet.
I have the same blackberry and like it. but if you are on the phoen for awhile my hand gets tired holding that little brick. LOL but it is much better for texting or emails. lots of little things to figure out though (i haven't even figured out the majority of them). LOL
Ebb Tide is looking great. I love those colors. Great stash, and I like how your husband thinks...lol.
Lovely stash, and your dog is SO adorable. It's too funny how he finds immediately the spot to be for summer.
Lovely stash you got.
Your stitching is also nice.
You have a very beautiful DIL.
Your puppy is so cute.
what a great Valentines gift and that puppy is getting big and is so adorable.
Oh, your DH was a true Sweetheart, Hun and what lovely stash! Woo Hoo! That new LHN is lovely and I dearly love the new BBD book and charts, and the new Primitive Needle, and CHS and The Goode Huswife, and Shakespeares Peddler, A Weary World Rejoices is a MUST Stitch for me... and have you seen the new one by The Sunflower Seed, Song of Solomon??? OH, I LOVE it... another MUST stitch, like I wish I had it yesterday!!! And lets not forget the new Prairie Schoolers and Chessie & Me... And good grief, but I could go on and on... There are quite a few new ones I want to add to my stash! :-)
Montana is sooo adorable! I have a Red Blackberry Pearl and I love it... It didn't take long at all to get used to the keyboard... :-) I was thinking I may try the Curve next time... let me know how you like yours... they say the new Storm is wonderful, but Alltel does not offer that one... maybe later as when the Curve first came out they didn't have it either, that's why I got the Pearl... :-) Anyway, I think you will love it once you get used to it!
And thank you so much for your lovely kind thoughts and prayers, Carolyn! They mean so much to me! :-)
great new stash! love those scissors .. want a pair, in red of course! lol I would definately keep DH :)
Montana is soo cute!
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