It's been jam packed lately; I've been finishing some exchange items and stitching fiendishly on a needleroll project for an upcoming trip. More on that later. But time is running out and I need to finish this up and stitch another heart for the RR before I leave.
Also helped my youngest DD move into her first apartment this weekend. My DS who works for a moving company (still looking for an engineering luck so far) helped load up her truck, etc. He's being paid for it, but not with money. :)

I do have some stitching finishes; some haven't been received yet, so they'll be posted later.
First is the bookmark I sent to Shelley for the ILCS exchange; she loves lighthouses and burgundy, hence.....

Look what
Shelley sent to me for our bookmark exchange. It's adorable......

Finished a pinkeep for a birthday exchange.....

A scissor fob for another BD exchange......

Some of the ladies in our Monday night stitching group are going on a XS tour to England with
Susan Greening Davis. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. My DH gave this to me as a BD present well over a year ago, before we knew about the second wedding, my mom's eyes, FL wedding, etc. But such is life; you make plans and you never know what comes up. Everyone is doing fine at the moment, praise God. So I take off for 2 1/2 weeks of travel this Friday. We're leaving early to take in a few more places before the actual tour begins. Does anyone know of a good LNS in London, Paris, or Scotland (closer to London)? We're hoping to have a chance to get to some.
For my BD and Mother's Day, my youngest DD gave me this bag to take with me to hold my XS. It just came in the other day. Isn't it lovely?

My DS had given me flowers and my other DD gave me a small Ipod Shuffle. Now if I can take the time to put the music on it, I'll be set. :) Needless to say, they were all so thoughtful. Think maybe I'll keep them......LOL
We were out in the yard the other day and saw these two baby bunnies playing in our neighbor's backyard. They look like they are playing Follow the Leader. We get them every so often. Aren't they the cutest things?

And look at this fantastic sky; reminds me of the old sailor's warning...Red sky at night; sailor's delight. Red sky at morning; sailor's warning.

And lastly, our sweet Montana in his favorite position (when he actually quits moving, that is...)

Still looks a frog to me. He's six months old and weighs ~55 pounds. And yes, he does have a tail - must be underneath him. I'm beginning to think he might not be as big as everyone thought. OK by me - he's strong as an ox now. You ought to see him go after a butterfly - too cute.
Everyone have a great day!
I hope you have a great time on your trip, Carolyn. Sounds like a lot of fun. Your stitching looks great. :) Love the nature pics, too.
ahhh...sweet pic of dd and ds:)
Better than money!
Pretty bookmarks, pinkeep and scissor fob!!
Love the monogrammed bag!!
Great pics!
What nice finishes Carolyn. I hope you have a great time on your stitching tour, sounds like it should be loads of fun. Oh, about your puppy Montana, they keep growing until they are about a year and a half old, so he still has lots of time left to grow. Have a great day.
oh....wait....I'm so excited about your upcoming trip! That is AWESOME!! I know you're going to have a blast and I can't wait to see your pics!!
Wow, Girl! Aren't you the lucky duck? I'm happy for you! Is this a conference/workshop, or just your group going for retreat? Your stitching is so pretty I'm sure the recipients are tickled with their goodies! My Pixie sits like that too - I always think to cool her tummy - but she's about 40 pounds lighter.
Be safe, take care, and have a blast!!
You've been a busy lady!
Great bookmark exchange. :)
And lovely finishes.
I do hope you have a great trip!
What a wonderful gift your husband gave you. Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy it. You did a wonderful job on Shelly's bookmark.
Great finishes and the bookmark from Shelley is too cute.
Enjoy your trip.
Lovely stitching. I really like that lighthouse you stitched for Shelleen. I'm a big fan of lighthouses!
Oh how exciting to be going to England etc!!! You lucky girl. Take lots of photos!
Hope you have a great, safe trip! How wonderful that trip will be.
I love the stitching, especially the pinkeep...such a pretty design!
Cute doggie too!
Great stitching! Your trip is going to be alot of fun, I am sure of it! And that bag is just perfect!
Hope you enjoy your England trip. It's pretty hot here at the moment but I do not know the long range forecast for next week. Depending on where you go in Scotland you might need some insect repelent as the midges can be quite bad. Enjoy London, will be there myself this weekend as we are goin gto the Epsom Derby. As for sewing shops can't help as I get most of my suff off the internet or from the Nimble Thimble in Wales which sells mostly American stuff!
As for Paris we found a fantastic shop. It was underneath some old railway arches which had a foot path and gardens on top. When i get home I will look it up. They also had a website. I found this which may be of use
Found it! Le Bohheur des Dames at the Viaduct des Arts; metro stations Bastille or Ledru Rollin. They have a website so put them into google for more info. I spent ages in there.
Your needlework is great.
I hope you have fun on your trip. ( YOU ARE SO LUCKY)
Love the pictures...especially the one of the sky. I still say that sailors warning.... my mom taught it to me as a child.
Wow! Didn't know you were going on a stitching trip! Lucky! I want to hear all about it over lunch when you get back!
I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip- I am sure you will. England is so beautiful!! I am so jealous! :)
What a cute picture of your son and daughter.
The bookmarks look both fantastic. What a nice exchange. I love that pinkeep too, same about the scissor fob.
And boy has you puppy grown. Montana is HUGE. But then 2 ladies are rather small. Love it how he lays. Looks like he has some healthy hips there. He is SO cute.
And can't you put me in your luggage to Europe??? Pretty please. Wishing you a lot of fun on your trip.
OH my, I do so hope and pray you have a lovely time, Carolyn...I know you will! Hope you come back with lots of chatter and fun things to report with lots of pics too!
These smalls are so sweet and beautiful. I love that pic of your two offspring, one of those moments that are 'priceless'. (^-^)
You've stitched some lovely exchange pieces. And I also love the ones you received. My favourites are the two bookmarks.
I can easily imagine how excited you must be because or the upcoming trip to the UK. I wish you a lot of fun there.
Congrats to your DD on her first place! How exciting for her! Love all the stitchy items. I just love that light house! Everything looks fantastic! That sky is awesome! What a gorgeous shot! Were I work, I get bunnies a lot that come up. They are so cute. Montana is growing so fast! He is so beautiful! All three of my dogs lay in that position too! LOL, its to funny!
OMGoodness! I love the dog pic!!! :)
Great finishes :)
Bee safe :)
Where are you in NC Carolyn?? You can email me if you don't want to publish that here :)
Nice stitchery Carolyn! I enjoy checking your blog...Your son looks so happy too! I have 2 boys close in age to your children, so I am in touch with where you are!!haha.....keep those lovely finishing coming!!
I can see why you have been so busy!! Have a great trip, we are all so very jealous of you!!! I want to go to Europe and DH doesn't.That would fit me to a tee!! Great finishes, lovely gifts....both given to you and from you! Love Montana. Even itty bitty Barry lays that way!
Your trip sounds fantastic. I am sure you will have a fabulous time. Be sure and take LOTS of photos.
Love the photo of Montana. He is getting big. I know exactly what you mean about him holding still. LOL
I love my fob. Front and Back. Thank you so much.
Love and stitches
Wow! Beauty was all over your blog that day ;-)
More beautiful finishes, Carolyn! Oh, you're going to have a GREAT time on that stitching trip. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.
:: checking to see if I'm turning green ::
Cameo @-->-->---
have fun on your trip. sounds like a blast. love all of your pics, thanks for sharing. montana is adorable. thank you for the bookmark.
Have a wonderful time on your trip and take lots of pictures for us to drool over. LOL
All your finishes look great. Great birthday gifts from the kids. They are keepers for sure ;)
The projects are very pretty. I really need to learn how to do pin keeps.
Enjoy your visit to the "old country". I'm heading over there in a few weeks.
Carolyn, I'm so excited for you - you're going to have a blast on your trip! :D Can't wait to hear all about it.
How exciting for you, Carolyn!!! We will want some more gorgeous photos, and a detailed update whenever you come down out of the clouds!lol
All of your stitching is lovely, as always! Hopefully, you'll find some new LNS to explore and bring back some more projects that you haven't found elsewhere.
It sounds like your family rightfully appreciates you, to endow you with such nice surprises, and best wishes to your daughter on her new apartment! What an exciting time for both of you!
As for Montana, you will notice how much your pup has grown, when you return from your latest adventure. We had a Golden, and Samantha didn't reach her full size until she was almost 2 yrs. old. I guess she hadn't read the manual! lol
Have a wonderful, glorious trip, and a safe return!!
I hope you are having lots of fun on your trip. I love the lighthouse bookmark - very pretty.
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