And so it begins - the first hustle and bustle of the holidays and all that comes with it. So often, Thanksgiving comes and goes in a rush as the wild dash for shopping starts after the unbelievable eating sprees (and we love it!)

I don't want to leave out the important part of Thanksgiving, though....giving thanks to God for his faithful provision, as the Pilgrims once did. My prayer is that I will remain thankful for the joy (and sorrow) I've had, regardless of what the future holds. Let me be a better person tomorrow than I am today, in His eyes.

So I invite you to join me and reflect during this Thanksgiving time; maybe to not only give thanks, but to aspire to be....
Kind....to strangers and loved ones alike, especially in this hectic time
Hard-working....let the days not be wasted
Honest.....let our words and dealings be true
Principled...may we be known as straight-shooters
Loving......may we show love to our neighbors as ourselves
Hopeful......that we can start afresh today, let the past be past, and leave it in God's hands
Thankful....for the small miracles in life, along with the big

Do you have someone in your life that was an example to you? I will be forever thankful for my parents, who were all of the above and more. What a legacy to leave behind. I'm also grateful for my faith, family, and friends -seen and unseen.
I count you all as such a blessing - your willingness to bring laughter, tears, smiles, appreciation, and a glimpse of your life into mine and others. Thanks for sharing your time.
Please feel free to share your own story - I'd love to hear about it. God bless you all and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Carolyn. Enjoy the feast with your family. Its a lovely tradition.
are you going to Old Navy? :) They are "giving away" Lego Rock Band with a $20 purchse. Not sure it's worth a trip out at 3am, but ya never know! My mil and I used to always go together, but haven't the past few years.
Happy Thanksgiving Carolyn!~~ I am so thankful for all the simple things in life...my health, my family, my faith and my friends. Here's hoping you enjoy the fellowship this holiday season brings!~ Will see you on the 5th!~ Faye
I loved your list of things to aspire to be, Carolyn...I am always, always telling my sons that kindness to all means so much in this world.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving :)
I loved your list of things to aspire to be, Carolyn. I am always, always reminding my sons that "kindness" to all can mean so much in this world.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving...
I loved your list of things to aspire to be, Carolyn. I am always, always reminding my sons that "kindness" to all can mean so much in this world.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving...
Happy Thanksgiving Carolyn.
What a great post!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I've never shopped on Black Friday because I'm scared of getting trampled. Is it worth it?
I am thankful for all the wonderful memories of past Thanksgivings with my Mom. And those "Black Friday" shopping trips that we made together. It may have been crowded and hectic but we had such fun.
I am also thankful for all the wonderful friends I have. Like you.
I hope and pray that you and your family have a wonderful (and productive shopping filled) Thanksgiving and weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving, Carolyn. Sounds like you will have a wonderful time!
Have a wonderful time with your family Carolyn, that's the best part of holidays to me, your family around you..
Lovely to read your parents were God loving people, as some one whose mother died when I was two years old and a father that remarried and left me with grand parents I often weep for not having that sort of childhood, as what I used to term a proper family.. thats why I love my four grown up children and have always encouraged them to visit as often as they can.
Love and Blessings
Chris x
wonderful blog post Carolyn! And yes, we need to remember the most important part of the season!
My husband & I do the black friday sales as well. It is a great time together!!! How often can people say they got up at whatever time to go shopping!?!?!?!
My most thankful thing of this year is the safe arrival of the triplets, back in June. We are truly blessed.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What time is dinner????
Glad to have my health and family. Thanksgiving was the last holiday I spent with my father and so it's a special holiday for me now. I learned not to take any of them for granted!
Hope you and your family have a great holiday. Hopefully you can help our "economic" situation on Friday.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving Carolyn.Thank you for the lovely thoughts.You helped me to remember those that have passed and all the great holidays I shared with them.All the laughter and joy that was shared and is still shared with My children and Grandchildren. Terry N
Well said & a Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!
Dear Carolyn,
Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for sharing a little insight of what Thanksgiving is all about.In the UK as you know we don't have this celebration. Your words are very inspiring, and are so true as to how my parents beliefs were bestowed on me.
I'ts a shame we cannot bestow a lot of these inspirations to all the people in the world.... it sure would be a better place.
Have a wonderful day.
Dawn x
p.s. love the pics
Well said!! The year started out with health challenges for me, but I am still moving and truly Thankful! Most importantly, I am Thankful that my dad is still hanging in there and with us another holiday.
Love your entry! I hope you have a great time with all your family gathering. I am very thankful that I still have my parents to celebrate with. At 84 and 80, you can't take that for granted any more. I only did Black Friday once with friends......never again!!! I might head out Friday night after the early birds have tuckered out. Thanks for your inspiring poem.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful pictures. Have a great thanksgiving holiday, have a great time shopping.
What a lovely, thoughtful post. Hope your 'outing' was fun and fruitful.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great pictures.
Amen and amen! The basic, simple blessings of life are the best.
Lovely post! I do hope that your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with many blessings!
I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. Thank you for the words to ponder and realize how thankful we each should be.
The family table looks scrumptious!
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