Note the number of "items" on the counter. Alas, I've been remiss. (Note my dramatics here...) Normally I'm good about keeping up with the blogs I read, but for the past several months I've fallen way behind. It'll probably stay this way until after Christmas, but THEN...hopefully! LOL
We're sprucing up the house. To think it all started with a simple question of, "Some new furniture?" It was innocent, honest...who knew?
All kidding aside, the house inside is in chaos, but DH is truly thankful that for once in his life, he's not doing it all. :)
The house is much quieter now (well, except for the demolition parts). But we're staying busy; we visited our daughter and SIL (and Mya, of course).

My sweetie...

...then went to the last Stitching Jubilee to meet up with old and new friends. My pictures have disappeared off the planet from that, but we had a great time with Debbie and Teresa.
I also met Karen V. from an online group and she stitched this adorable Hansel to go with Brooke Nolan's Gretel.
Mary and I literally ran into each other at Bush Mountain's booth and had a nice little visit there.
And as always
Kathy and I had a great time. Lyne and her mom came there and we took off to hang out. She's just had her baby boy :) ...

After that, off to the Pals retreat with Deborah...

Saw lots of friends and
Charlene stitched this sweet little Autumn pillow for me. Love it!

And recently six of us went away for a stitching weekend. Nancy stitched us all a Christmas ornament.

Can you say adorable???

First stop - Stitching Bits and Bobs...what fun. Definitely thread heaven - she must have them all stocked; the walls were full of threads everywhere.

Browsing first...

No naming names, but certain people got up at the crack of dawn and were tired...but happy. :)


And more converting...

Hanging out...we look industrious here, don't we? Hmmm, not sure how much we actually stitched that night, but we sure did laugh.

Show and tell pinkeeps from the Birthday Girl...

Fantastic no-sew cube...

Strolling around....
Karen taught Nancy and me how to make scissor fobs; I love mine!

Tree of Life Samplings had a giveaway - guess who won?? Winner could choose any two charts - aren't they awesome? Thanks, Jan!

Still stitching on Nancy's Mill House Christmas RR, but now it's down to the beading. Stitching time is limited, but it's coming along.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. If I don't make it back before New Year's, have a blessed holiday time and take care.
Carolyn NC
No matter how long you have been gone Carolyn, it is always good to have you back with news and great photos. Have a lovely thanksgiving.
Welcome back! Your visits with family and friends sound wonderful, how blessed you are to be able to spend that time together. Your stitching meet up looks like the most fun ever!
Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
What a great time traveling, visiting, shopping, oh yeah, stitching too! Your scissor fob is so cute and I am sitting down Thanksgiving day after the big meal to figure out how to do one. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
What a fab post! :Love seeing stitchers meeting up together. What a blast. x
What beautiful pictures Carolyn. Have a blessed thanksgiving.
Wow Carolyn!!! Since PALS you have been a traveling lady for sure!!! Nice photos and thanks for sharing them all with us!!!! Looking very content with your stitching groups!!! I would LOVE to get to go to Stiching Bits and Bobs someday!!!
You take care and have the best time over Thanksgiving!!! Faye
Carolyn!!! It was so great to hear from you again!!! Crazy how life just gets in the way sometimes! You have been having loads of stitchy fun though with friends!!! Looks like you all had a lovely time!!!
Is the new furniture Montana proof?? The pictures of your house makes it look like it was just built.I didn't hear anything about PALS when you were with us..or maybe I missed it among the chatter! LOL You have been the world traveler! The photos at SB&B's really shows off the threads! We certainly had a good time!
You've been having tons of fun! Love the way the floors look. With renovations in our house it always gets worse before it gets better and then it's worth all the bother. Happy Thanksgiving!
It is great to hear all te things you have been doing while not blogging. I love the look of your polished floor with the light streamimg inside.
I loved the Autumn cushin & the back fabric. Thanks for sharing all your sewing activities.
I just love your blog and all your pictures. And its so great that you can get away to stitch with friends. Thats something I hope to do in my next life - lol
Janet Stanko
You sure have been busy! And all those stitching get togethers! They sound like so much fun.
I hope you and yours have a wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving.
Loved seeing all your remodeling, stitching, travel, and family photos, Carolyn. What a busy life you're having. Hang in there with the remodeling--the floors are just gorgeous and I'm sure it will be worth all the hassle when it is all finished up!
Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving day...
Ah, homework. I'd stay gone as much as possible, too! :-) Love seeing your excursions - tons o' fun. Always look forward to seeing what you've been up to. Take care, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Good to hear from you..glad that you had a nice time at stitchers meet up
The house looks great!! Send that handy guy on down when you're done with him :) Our weekend was great - I didn't know you'd been on the go so much before! Wow, that must be so much fun!
you have been busy! looks like lots of fun! Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, no wonder you weren't able to post, Carolyn--you were too busy! I loved reading about all of your adventures--it sounds like you've been having a lot of fun. Good luck with the work on the house! Have a great holiday.
You sure have been busy and had awesome times with awesome stitching friends!
If we don't see you again, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful Chrsitmas!
So good to see you posting. I totally understand about the holidays being a busy time. I hope your house project is coming along and your stitching pictures are wonderful. Looks like a fun time with PALS.
Great update Carolyn - now less visiting and more stitching...haha! Oh, the floors look great too.
Sounds like you had lots of fun with your friends. Mill House is so pretty, can't wait to see it finished.
Fantastic pictures of your meeting with friends. That looks SO much fun. Wish I would live closer.
Hope your new furniture arrives soon. :)
What great family pics! Looks like you made some great memories. The wonderful stitching retreat pics were an over-load of stitching porn! :)
Have a delightful holiday season!
So much action!
So much stitching fun!
:: drool drool ::
Congrats on the wins! Your floor looks great, Carolyn. Sounds like you had lots of fun with your friends. Love your scissor fob, very nice. Beautiful Christmas ornament from Nancy and the little Autumn pillow from Charlene is beautiful too.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hello, The embroidery is superb, all smiles and all that friendship we see is a pleasure ...
friendships from France, marylin
OMG!! It's been a while since I visited your blog, but I really did enjoy watching all those lovely pictures. I would love to join a stitching retreat some day. That looks like so much fun :)
Carolyn! I also went to the show. I was not impressed with what was there and ended up at Stitching Bits and bobs also LOL I sort of looked around for anyone but then left. Too bad cause i'm sure we could have had a great time :)
Hey! Not nice to show all that stuff to an deficit-LNS person here. Not only that, the drool on the laptop could potentially damage it if I don't get that sponge in here fast!
Sounds like you had a marvelous time. Looks like you had a blast in catching up with everyone. Y'all need that once in a while
Thank you for such a warm and lovely welcome back, Carolyn... Its means a lot to me!
What lovely photos of your family and such a Wonderful stitchy time you've had of late, Hun! Hope your remodeling is coming along beautifully!
Wishing you much love and joy, good cheer and a warm hearth, blessings abounding and loads of peaceful stitching thyme in the New Year...
Blessings always in stitches...
What a beautifull pictures and pieces!!
Hope you had a lovely Holiday!!
So inquiring minds want to know how does the homestead look? Are you done? Do you love it? Is it still a WIP?
Carolyn, I´ve seen that "something" around your Q-snap....looks like it´s something which holds all your fabric inside, is that right???? Looks really interesting, have you made it by yourself or have you bought it somewhere????
Gaby from Germany
Full of news & pics. Thanks. Love the Victorian house & the alphabet sampler. I wonder if it is fun to stitch with one color (as it seems)....suppose it goes fast?
chris, newbie, i-love group
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