I can't explain it nor can anyone else.
Remember our "sweet" cat, Zoe? Much sarcasm here - the one we dubbed the demonic one. This is the cat that from day one as a tiny kitten wouldn't sit in anyone's lap, even when placed. She has been the skittish, ever-ready-to-play & attack-anything-moving cat. She acts as if she has multiple personalities and none of them nice. Woe unto the person that picks her up for more than two seconds.
She is truly an enigma.
Zoe is at the door waiting when I come home and stretches up, meows like she wants me to come see her, but when I do, she runs away. I try to fool myself into believing that there's a sweet cat in there somewhere that just can't get out. Haha She tolerates me the most and will rub up against my legs and butt me with her head, but we're always suspicious of this as it's behavior she uses when she's has no food in her bowl. She really gets totally obnoxious when food is gone. We're so surprised sometimes when she comes around us and there's actually food there.
One of the funniest things DH said recently was when I was gone for a weekend. He called me laughing to tell me he couldn't believe I'd gone off and left him with no food in the house for Zoe. LOL My DH has joked for years that if she were bigger, she'd off us in our sleep. When DH & DS were at a Carolina Panthers game awhile back, they brought the mascot out and put her on the screen. Both DH & DS looked at each other in amazement and said it was a bigger clone of Zoe. Are you getting the picture here? Affectionate she's not, but entertaining, yes.

She looks pretty ferocious here, but it's a false alert. Sometimes she just opens her mouth and it stays that way for a minute. :)
Now to the strange part.
Ever since our our dog died a few weeks ago, we've wondered if Zoe missed him. I've seen her go to the stairs at night and look around and we wonder if she's looking for him. But now when I sit on the couch, she'll come lay on my lap. My DH, DD, and I just sit there dumbfounded. This cat is 8 years old and not one time has she ever remotely done this. She's still skittish and the least little thing will make her jump off, but tonight she lay there for an hour or so. We've never really heard her purr, either, but she actually was making mittens one night and I thought I caught a faint sound. I'm thinking I'm getting delusional here. I don't know whether she's lonely and desperate or she thinks we are! Hmm....don't think I can credit her with that much of a sweet nature - must be her. :)
Now, the interesting part is - what happens if we decide to get another dog in the next year or so - I have a feeling it's going to rock her world!
But it really is the strangest thing......
Anyone else ever experience anything weird like this with your pet?
Mind you, I'm not complaining - it's nice; but I am somewhat mystified.

On the stitching front, I'm struggling to get more done. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, but it's slow.
As for goals, I'm starting ornaments for two monthly SAL's, and then want to go back to the Travel Sampler. I'd also like to work on some UFO's (cough), I mean WIP's. I've had one partially done for years that I'd really like to finish for a friend. As you can see, I have a ways to go. I have five teapots done and there are eighteen. They don't take that long to stitch; I just haven't pulled this one out to work on it.
So I'm keeping my stitching goals fairly simple.
Keep up with the ornaments each month
Dare I say finish the Travel Sampler... really need to
Finish one larger UFO and work on others
Stitch a few exchanges or fun stitches in between
Have a wonderful day.