One thing I love about the New Year - whether I'm full of resolutions or not, it always feels like it's a chance to start anew. Who knows where the paths of life will lead us? Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed 2010. Looking forward to seeing what new stitchery is afoot...
Carolyn NC

Happy New Year to you too!
what a beautiful picture! Is that one you took or one you found?? Gorgeous!!!
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you too! I hope that's a *stolen* picture!
Happy New Year Carolyn, may your 2010 be full of good health, happiness & lots of stitching :-)
HOpe you have a very happy new year!
God bless you my stitching friend!
Happy New Year to you and yours!! Faye
Happy New Year and thanks for all your support and encouragement.
A very Happy and Blessed New Year to you too Carolyn.
Like you I think, a new start...
I have lots of lovely stitching to complete and I expect I'll start a few new ones too!! LOL
Happy Stitching
Chris x
Happy New Year Carolyn! Your picture is gorgeous and maybe a little breathtaking! Thanks for sharing.
Its definately a new start - May 2010 be everything you dream of.
Happy New year for you and your family as well!! May it bring you lots of happiness, good luck and a good health!!
PS: I love that pictures, it's really nice :)
Happy New Year, Carolyn!
Happy New Year! I always feel the same too...clean slate, fresh start, put my best foot forward....makes me feel optimistic! :)
What an amazing photo, Carolyn--so full of hope and possibilities!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too Carolyn I hope you have a wonderful year.
Happy New Year to you Carolyn
Happy New Year Carolyn - and please resolve to help her friend Kathy to work on that HAED!!
Happy New Year to you and your family as well. May it bring you all health and you a lot of stitching time and stash.
Happy New Year to you! Hope it is healthy and prosperous! The picture is just beautiful and looks like a country winter.
Happy New Year, Carolyn!
Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year. May it be a blessed and healthy one:)
Gorgeous picture
Happy New Year to you as well Carolyn! Here's to a wonderful year ahead!!
Happy New Year Carolyn! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks! Think it will snow here this coming weekend? It's sure cold enough!
Dear Carolyn, I wish you a very happy and creative new year !
Happy New Year for you as well. Is that a picture of your area? May your stash be robust and easily finished!!
A very happy New Year to you and yours.
Is that photo from where you are? It is gorgeous.
Love the picture! Happy New Year!
Love that photo. Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year - May you be richly blessed in 2010! :)
I love the picture.
Good morning, well, I think it is morning all day. Gives one so much to look forward to for the rest of the day.
I just saw your playlist and saw Classical Gas by Mason Williams! That is one of my few all time favourites! Thanks so much will let it play until I shut down the laptop. Others are Black Magic Woman and another similar one that I cannot remember right now. Senior Moment at 67! Yuck!
Just signed up to follow your site. Beautiful site,and now that I am getting well again, the stitchin' bug is starting to turn over from being on it's back with twitchin' legs. Not totally dead, but really in jeopardy there!
Thanks for the site, it gives me something to look forward to as well as drool over. cj
Happy New Year Carolyn, is that picture one of yours??
Have a great 2010. Love the photograph
Happy new year to you too!!!
Lovely pic, thanks for sharing with us.
Happy New Year to you, my friend! Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness and of course stitching time in 2010!!
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