...into SPRING, I say Spring!! Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Yes, we've had some glorious, sun-filled days lately, and I can tell you it's a welcome event. I've managed a little stitching, and will be stitching the last heart for the Friendship Sampler after this one. I've truly enjoyed becoming acquainted with stitchers I'd never known before. The stitching friendship circle is indeed wide and growing wider - an awesome thing.
Here's Deborah's RR, using the original charted colors...

And up close...

I am so ready for spring weather and sunny days. Seeing the blooms around always raises my spirits and hopes. My mother's been in the ER three times and admitted to the hospital once since the end of February. Keeping her fluid levels between too much and too little for her CHF (congestive heart failure) has been quite a challenge. Here's hoping we've found the right balance with some new meds. We're hopeful, anyway. :)
I was recently given this award and it is so appreciated. Thank yous to
Cindy, and

According to the rules, I'm to tell some facts about myself and pass the award on to others.
So let me see what I can come up with...
1. I was born in a rural town with a very small population.
2. I am the youngest child with three older brothers....and wasn't spoiled, according to my mom. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
3. My DH and I went to high school together, but started really dating in college.
4. The house where I grew up was an old hotel before Civil War times.
5. Music moves and delights my soul.
6. One favorite pastime as a child - climb to the top of a huge tree and sway in the wind right before thunderstorms. I can still feel the wind sometimes. :)
7. I love to laugh, appreciate good wit, and adore Jane Austen.
8. I became a Christian at age 23, a few months after I got married.
I'd like to give this award to
Wendy, and my GGSF buddies. :)

Last summer, I went with a stitching group to England. While there, we were lucky enough to meet with Polly Nassim, a wonderful doll maker of forty years. She'd retired and was selling her entire inventory of dolls. Recently found that a lovely friend of hers has the last set of dolls and is selling them here in America. If you're interested, the website is
www.rarebitsnpieces.com. Her friend Patty also has some other wonderful items to offer, too.
And to end my saga, here are my two babies relaxing at home....

Actually, it's DH trying to coax Montana to give the new CHEW-RESISTANT pad a try. Now do you believe it's really chew resistant? I must confess I remain somewhat sceptical of its endurance factor, at least not with the master destruction artist around. In case you've forgotten, this was the fate of the last pad...

But Montana's older and wiser, or so we hope. If it survives, I'll put an egg crate pad, etc., in the cover. Montana has confirmed hip dysplasia on the right side and we're trying to find ways to ease it. It's mild at the moment and will probably crop up more severely in a few years. We'd suspected it, but were hoping we were just paranoid. But you never know how things progress. So for now, we'll make sure his weight stays right, give him glucosamine chondroitin for his joints, and give buffered aspirin if we see signs of any discomfort (all advice from the vet). And let him sleep on that sofa he seems to love so much as long as he wants to! He is thoroughly enjoying all the attention he's getting, I can promise you.
On the other hand, I'm not sure Zoe (demon cat) and I are on speaking terms at the moment. She went for her rabies shot today. I don't know who was more traumatized - her or me trying to get her in the carrier. Maybe if the carrier hadn't fallen over as I was trying to place her in it, or maybe if she didn't frantically jump while I was barely holding on and trying to upright the blooming thing...well, you get the picture. Pretty darn funny, actually.
What would we do without our families and pets to keep us straight??? Take care, everyone.
And I hope you see signs of spring in your direction, too. :)
Congratulations on winning! I read about you with great interest.
oh my!!! Silly dog!!!
Congrats on the RR finish...aren't stitching friends the best!!!!
Love your posts! Loved hearing more about you in this one!
Animals...they become part of the family.....no matter what their silly ways may be!
Hope your mom is doing better!
Take care
Congrats on your award, you truly deserved it!! Thank you so much for passing it on to me. You are so sweet :)
Well it is finally spring here too, we had a long too cold winter as well.
OMG!! What did Montana do ?
Congrats on your finish as well!! Great job!!
Another RR bites the dust. I sure wish the last few would show up! You are one of the wonderful stitchers I met through this RR and I am happy that it is so!
Love to read these awards and learn about my stitching friends.
Those pups - they do keep you hopping LOL
Congrats on the award. Why is your hubby sleeping on the floor?? LOL he just looks really silly, hope the chew resistant pad really is, it would be a shame to spend all that money on a pad only to have chewed up. If your dog still chews try something called sour apple spray, it stopped out dogs chewing right away.
I can also relate to three glorious sun filled days. Its just so good for the moral. I love hearts so of course I love your friendship sampler. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Having a mom that is unwell most of the time I can relate to what you are going through. I enjoyed reading about you. : ) Cute photo with DH and DDog on the floor. I think if you really want to help your dog live pain free, you should seriously consider joining this group and learning about what is best for your dog and to avoid suffering.
Have a lovely weekend Carolyn.
I love seeing the progress on everyone's RR and can't wait to see yours home and completed!
Your pet stories are too funny!
Loved reading your fun facts! Beautiful dolls.
Montana is so cute and innocent looking! I can just see the "coaxing" trying to go on in our house too! So sorry about the hip problems, that has to be hard to watch progress. Glad your friendship RR are coming to an end and that they were successful! I love to hear more fun facts about you. I need to do something with my "award" too, but just when I thought I was recovering.....I've had 2 more days! We had a great week, sunny and 60's, but it takes much longer for MI things to bloom since we are in a deep freeze for months! But I see my spring flowers, so all is good!
mdr ;-
Notre chienne fait pareil ... dehors !!!
Bon samedi !
So sorry to hear about your mom's health problems, Carolyn--hope they finally have things worked out for her. What fun to read about your pets' antics--I sure miss my dear kitty, but with DH's allergies, we won't be getting another.
Love the round robin and reading your facts, too :)
Montana and DH look so comfy together. I hope the hip displasia doesn't bother Montana too badly in the future.
Congrats on finishing the RR and winning the award.
I agree about the friendship among stitchers and glad to see the RR is nearly done!
Congratulations on your award, it was lovely reading about you and I'm in awe about climbing the tree and swaying in the wind! Great picture of your hubby and Montana and I had to laugh about your poor cat. We had two cats and it was a pain getting them into the carrier going to the vet and once there, I couldn't get them out of the carrier!!!! (Oops - sorry about the double post - I spelled a word wrong!!!!!)
I just love learning new things about friends! That has been a great RR to watch! ah - I'll have to tell DS about that bed - his Kilo is a super chewer! Hope they've got your mom on the right path!
Carolyn, I used to climb my elm tree when I saw the thunder clouds roll! What fun!!
Congrats on your award. :)
Hope the meds work for your Mom. Congratulations on the RR finish and your award.
i absolutely enjoy your own posting type, very charming.
don't give up as well as keep penning in all honesty , because it simply just that is worth to follow it,
looking forward to see a whole lot more of your own stories, kind regards ;)
Wonderful to get an award and DH and I have laughed and laughed at your DH trying to persuade Montana to sleep on the new pad, We must do the same as Nell has chewed every bed we have bought! It so annoying as they are so comfy and she loves our bed so we have been trying to tell her, she too can have as comfy a bed as long as she stops chewing them to bits!!
I love the hearts RR
Love and Blessings
Thank you for the comments on my blog
Chris x
Congratulations on your award (you deserve it) and on your finish. I'm dancing with you. :) The RR is fun to watch and I really hope your Mom is feeling much better.
Beautiful stitching! This is such a sweet RR.
Good luck with Montana and the new bed!
Congrats on the bog award! =)
Finger, toes, legs and eyes crossed that this is a REALLY Montana's resistant pad!LOL.
You've received another award! Please stop by my blog to see!
Carolyn so sorry to hear about your mother's health problems. I'm sending prayers your way. I do appreciate the blog comments you send my way too. I think you post more comments than anyone I know on everyone's blogs. I am trying to do myself. I am guilty of reading put not commenting.
Lovely RR
cute pic of the dog
Congrats on the award and enjoyed reading your info. The friendship RR is looking beautiful!
Great RR and congrats on your award!
Well done with the award! Congrats with the RR finish.
I hope your Mum is now going from strength to strength.
Animals are strange. Lovely dolls.
Thank you for sharing.
Spring is trying to arrive here, too. I'm envious of my neighbor and her blooming daffodils. Mine aren't even up yet!
The RR looks great. OK, I have to ask... what is GGSF?
I've got the picture... you and Zoe at the vet...
Congrats on RR and the award. What is GGSF?
What a beautiful RR piece - this will be a treasure for the ages, I'm sure.
Love the pet pics! Just like kids, at times they need to sit on the "naughty chair" and other times they need to be on our laps.
Either way - we cherish 'em! :)
Prayers are being sent for your Mom - I hope she can get her meds adjusted and will feel "saucy" again soon. Isn't it hard when we "kids" have to play the "parent" role? It's such an adjustment...
Enjoy the lovely spring days to come! (and don't forget to stitch!!) :) :) :)
What beautiful dolls, Carolyn! I'll bet that was a trip to always remember. You well deserve your award, and it was very enlightening to read and get to know more about you. Are you sure your DH doesn't tear up those mats?? :P
Magnificent I always return with pleasure! I like this blog
Best regards
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