I had another fun day in the mail. I've been trying to catch up on some JCS Christmas issues. I only have about five years worth, but I wanted 2005 to have at least the last six. I ordered it on E-Bay from a reputable seller and thought I'd been shafted. After touching base with her, she said she sent it media mail. From GA to NC it took 22 days to get here, but it's here. I also received the chart, By Her Hand, by La-D-Da as the giveaway prize from Sherry. It's awesome!
Thank you.
Beth has given me an award that I love. This one is a little different, but so nice. You know how this works, so I'm spreading the love by naming five others to award. So without further ado,

Deborah - with all of your own trials, you always have an encouraging word for everyone else
Rene - you really introduced me to a group and showed me what it could be like to have real internet friends
Donna - your Stitching For a Cure is pure love. We all thank you.
Meari - as busy as you are, you keep up with everyone, give help & tutorials, and post an awesome blog.
Aww, geez, Carolyn. You made me blush. Thank you.
But then you are a caring and generous soul as well. I guess the saying takes one to know one is true. :)
Congrats on the award. I love the chart that you got...dont you just love good mail days??
I read the letter over on Sadie's blog and it is a Hoot!!! The chap can most certainly write and I love his wit!
Oh aren't wonderful post days simply lovely? I love the La-D-Da chart from Sherry and congrats on winning the bid on the Just Cross Stitch Chritmas Issue... and I'm glad it finally arried in the post! I still need to find the 1997, 1998 and 1999 issues.
And Big Congrats on winning such a wonderful award, Carolyn!!! :-)
Nice pattern! I read the complaint letter too. Very funny.
Thank you so much for the award and the kind words. You are just so sweet.
Glad you got your stuff in from E-Bay. It is always a little unnerving when you order from there.
Congrats with your award!!
Oooh, great stashing Carolyn! And thank you for the award... I'm touched. :)
That complaint letter is indeed hilarious. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. Congrats with this wonderful award, you truly deserve it.
glad your magazine arrived! Gives me hope for my book I am waiting on!! It is coming from CA to IN. It has been 13 days so far!!
I am still needing a few of the ornament issues as well. Why couldn't we know about them sooner?!?!
Thank you for FAITHFULLY checking my blog!!! I truly appreciate it!
Thank you so much for the award. I knew the group would be a great fit for you and you have become a great online friend.
I love that La d Da--haven't seen it before! And your new puppy is so cute!
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